Hugi Magazine #33: MP3 Power

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Adok vs Magic by Adok & Magic

10 questions to get a more transparent insight into the two main characters behind Hugi #32 and #33.

  1. Please introduce each other..


    "You can read an interview with Magic in Hugi #13. What I know about him without reading the interview again: He's been an Amiga scener for a long time and started contributing to diskmags far more than 10 years ago. He also co-edited several mags on the Amiga, such as the packmag "Speed" by Nah-kolor, as well as Generation and a few others. (Read: many others. Get your facts straight - Magic) He's gone with the time and so he's now also active on the PC, still contributing to diskmags with articles and organizing stuff. In his real life, he is living in a house together with his girlfriend, and he is working at an insurance company."


    "Adok is still living with his parents, is studying medicine among other things and has quite a controversial image in the scene which in 90.1% in my humble opinion is based on wrong information :) He has been making Hugi for over 10 years now and is a great editor."

  2. How can you describe each other's role in making Hugi #33?


    "Magic has been a great help organizing graphics and music for Hugi, and he's also written several good articles. He's also a good motivator and feedback-giver."


    "Adok is the main-editor, he edits all articles. Without him Hugi is nothing. He also writes articles and is open to my ideas. He gives me feedback as well because I ain't perfect you know :)"

  3. What can still be improved on a personal level?


    "I don't know, I'm happy with the status quo."


    "Nothing comes to mind.. *silence* .. hmm maybe he should think more about the impact he has when saying something on irc, but this counts for every scener!"

  4. Approx. 25 years of demoscene article writing and diskmag making experience Adok & Magic have together. Where will this ever end?


    "I guess the answer is related to the answer to the question: How long will there be diskmags? :-) (Good, this means you won't quit from yourself -magic :) Although I'm sometimes called the Prophet of Scene Journalism, I dare not give an answer!"


    "When my life grows too tight that I don't have enough spare time for it. On the other hand when diskmags are extinct. I think we have just reached about the maximum size for a diskmag looking at the average download speed on the market. If we make it much bigger it's better to release online issues so not everybody has to download the full package, they can just read what they like online. In some way I wish the Panorama engine Hugi uses should be updated with an online functionality :)"

  5. What makes us work well together?


    "The Internet :)"


    "Passion for diskmag making and the experience we have. We know how it all works so we don't have any real surprises to fall over or get quarrels about, for example critisism from the outside."

  6. What can still be improved in Hugi?


    "Of course Hugi could have even more articles, but the problem is that somebody has to write them, and our personal capacities are limited. We need more support. It would be wonderful if there were more supporters as committed as Magic, DiamonDie or EP."


    "As stated earlier I think we quite covered all aspects (highres, mp3 etc..) in this issue looking at the size limit. Of course really good, original and quality articles are always welcome but these days they're hard to get. We can't write them all ourselves.."

  7. Hugi vs Pouetizing: To be taken seriously or overestimated?


    "As somebody put it, Pouet is a cesspool. Don't waste your time there :)"


    "For sure not to be taken seriously but underestimated. Human beings (yes, I also regard sceners as such) are easily influenced by the 'public opinion', which can work against you."

  8. What do you like about each other and what criticism can you give each other?


    "I like Magic's activity, commitment and richness of ideas."


    "I like Adok's will to edit, his feedsbacks and articles in general."

  9. Biggest dream and worst nightmare are..?


    "Related to Hugi, I'd say the biggest dream would be if every issue released from now were at least as good as the previous couple ones - but that depends on our readers' support! Worst nightmare: if we didn't manage to get enough support to release an issue..."


    "Biggest dream: releasing the perfect issue of Hugi (though I know this will never happen). Worst nightmare: when we have almost finished an issue losing all data through for example a HD-crash."

  10. Say something to give a good ending to this article.


    "I'm not good at such emotional things, sorry :)"


    "Let's try to release at least 40 issues :)"

Adok & Magic / Hugi